Anna Lárusson


Caroline Gunnarsson or Karólína was the editor of L.-H. in Winnipeg and wrote a good article about her deceased friend and published it in the newspaper on November 4, 1971. It says, among other things, “She grew up in an Icelandic home in Gimli during that period when the town looked very much like an Icelandic fishing village. After all, it was built by Icelandic immigrants who fished on Lake Winnipeg and were still firmly rooted in Icelandic culture. Many of them did not want to be threatened. Often there will have been teasing between the younger and older generations. Sometimes the parents’ strictness made the youth so disagreeable that they broke away from their inherited culture as soon as possible.” Steiunn was no exception. When she reached her teenage years, she started working in a store and soon the merchant trusted her with the accounting. She was hired as the manager of a dairy in Riverton (Co-Operative Creamery) and then took over accounting in her own company. She moved to Winnipeg where she opened an accounting service and named her company Business Clinic. At the same time, she continued to provide services to individuals and companies in New Iceland.

English version by Thor group.