Selective Bibliography
Almanak 1895-1954, Collections of articles on the History of Icelanders in North America, various authors, printed and published in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Saga Íslendinga í Vesturheimi, 1.-5. History of Icelanders in North America, vol. 1-5. Various authors, printed and published in Iceland and Canada.
The Icelanders in Canada, Author W. J. Lindal, printed and published in Canada.
The Icelandic People in Manitoba Author Wilhelm Kristjanson, printed and published in Canada.
The Saskatchewan Icelanders, Author W. J. Lindal, printed and published in Canada.
Heimskringla, September 9, 1886- December 31, 1950. Icelandic weekly, printed and published in Winnipeg.
Lögberg, January 14, 1888 – December 31. 1950. Icelandic weekly, printed and published in Winnipeg
Saga Íslendinga í N. Dakota, History of Icelanders in N. Dakota. (SÍND) Author Thorstína S. Jackson, printed and published in Canada.
Vestur-íslenzkar æviskrár 1.-6., Icelanders in the West, genealogy, vol. 1-6, printed and published in Iceland. (VÍÆ)
Vesturfaraskrá 1870-1914, A Record of Emigrants from Iceland to America 1870-1914. Author Júníus H. Kristinsson, printed and published in Iceland.
Icelandic River Saga, Author Nelson S. Gerrard, printed and published in Canada. (IRS)
Reflections by the Quills, history of the Lakes Settlements in Saskatchewan, seversl authors. Printed and published in Canada. (RbQ)
Pembina County Pioneer Daughter Biographies, in N. Dakota. Various authors, compiled by George A Freeman. Printed in USA.
Dalamenn Æviskrár 1703-1961 lll, Emigrants from Dalasýsla. Author Jón Guðnason, printed.
Icelanders gather to Utah 1854-1914, author David Alan Ashby, printed and published in USA. (IgU)
Memories of Osland, compiled by Frances Hanson. Icelandic settlement on the Canadian Pacific coast in British Columbia. Various authors, printed and published in Canada.
Frá Vestmannaeyjum til Vesturheims, Emigration from the Westmann Islands to America, compiled by Torfi Haraldsson, printed and published in Iceland. (FVtV)
The Icelanders of Kinmount, author Donald E. Gislason, printed and published in Canada.
A Tribute to Soldiers and Pioneers of the Langruth District, Icelandic settlers of the Langruth district in Manitoba. Printed and published in Canada.
Norwegians in Minnesota, authors Jon Gjerde & Carlton C. Qualey. Printed and published in USA.
Point Roberts, USA, author Richard E. Clark. Printed and published USA.
The Canadian Prairies, author Gerald Friesen. Printed and published in Canada.
Well Connected, compiled by Patricia Allred, Icelandic immigrants in Minnesota. Unpublished. (WC)
Lundar Diamond Jubilee 1887-1947, History of Álftavatns- and Grunnavatns districts, several authors. Printed and published in Canada.
Sequel to Beyond the Marsh, Icelanders in Víðir- ,Lowland- and Sylvan districts of Manitoba, several authors. Printed and published in Canada. (SBM)
Our 1-6 Heritage, Icelanders in Morden, Manitoba, various authors. Printed and published in Canada
Wagons to Wings, History of Icelanders in Lundar- and neighboring settlements. Various authors, printed and published in Canada. (WtW)
A Century Unfolds, History of Arborg and District 1889-1987, Various authors, printed and published in Canada. (CU)
Upham Centennial 1905-2005, Icelanders in Upham and neighboring districts in North Dakota. Various authors, printed and published in USA.
Hnausa Reflections, A History of the Breiðavík District, Various authors, printed and published in Canada. (HN)
Landnámssaga Nýja-Íslands í Canada, history of New Iceland, Canada, author Þorleifur Jóakimsson Jackson. Printed and published in Canada. (LNÍ)
Additional Resources:
Family and Private Collections.