Eiríkur Þ Eirikson

ID: 20269
Date of birth : 1916

Eiríkur Þór Eiríksson was born on August 6, 1916 in Stony Hill, Manitoba. He died in Lundar on February 14, 1980. He was known as Eirikur (Eric) Eirikson in the west.

Spouse: Isabelle Malcolm from Swan Creek.

Children: 1. Patty b. 1960 2. Kelly b. 1965.

Eiríkur was the son of Rafnkell Eiríksson and Halldóra Sveinsdóttir in Lundar. He was in the Canadian Army in the Second World War from 1939-1945, was wounded and lost one of his arms. He returned home and became a carpenter and ran a mink farm.