Halldóra G Erickson

ID: 20335
Born west
Date of birth : 1920

Halldóra Guðrún Erickson Photo: VíÆ I

Halldóra Guðrún Erickson was born on November 10, 1920 in Winnipeg.

Spouse: May 19, 1946 Vilhjálmur Þorláksson Bjarnar b. in Reykjavík on March 21, 1920.

Children: 1. Erik Thor b. January 26, 1958.

Halldóra was the daughter of Eiríkur Vílhjálmur Sveinsson, a famer near Avold, N. Dakota, who is registered as Erickson in the west. Halldóra’s mother was Regina Jóhanna Þórðardóttir in Minneapolis. Halldóra moved with her parents to New Iceland at five years old and lived there until she was 16. She lived in Winnipeg 1914-32 then after that in St. Paul, Minnesota. Vilhjálmur grew up in Reykjavík, became a student from MR in 1942 and studied in the Nordic department of UI 1943-47. In the years 1944-45 he worked on the publication Flateyjarbók. He moved to Minnesota in 1947 and completed his BA degree in 1956 and MA a year later. He was then employed as a librarian at the University of Minnesota library in 1957-60. Then he moved to New York and was hired as a librarian at the Icelandic Fiske Museum at Cornell University in Ithaca.