Olga Olson

ID: 20503
Born west
Date of birth : 1903

Olga Olson Photo: VÍÆ II

Olga Olson was born at Medow, Portage Lake in Winnipegosis on July 2, 1903.

Spouse: 1) October 28, 1924 Baldur Norman Einarsson (Jónasson in the west) 2. Árni Anderson in Arborg.

Children: 1. Margaret Grace b. July 29, 1925 2. Jónína Pauline b. October 25, 1926 3. Norma Edith b. October 27, 1930 4. Leon Herman b. January 13, 1934 5. Viviann Gwen b. February 14, 1938.

Olga’s parents were Páll Kristinn Gottskálksson and Margrét Jónsdóttir in Winnipegosis, Manitoba. Baldur was the son of Einar Jónasson and Jónína Ingibjörg Sigfúsdóttir, early settlers in the Árnes settlement in 1877. Árni Anderson was the son of Árni Vigfússon and Ingibjörg Guðmundsdóttir in Arborg. Baldur and Olga lived in Gimli.