Kristján Fjelsted


Kristján Fjelsted was born at Hallbjarnareyri in Snæfellsnessýsla. His parents were Eggert Vigfússon and Þórey Nikulásdóttir. The name Fjelsted came about because Kristján’s grandfather, Vigfús Andrésson, went to study in Norway. He was tall and strong, and the Norwegians named him Fjalstad. Vigfús didn’t mind and when he came home, he had become Fjelsted. Kristján went to Reykjavík to study and chose carpentry. He married Guðbjörg Jónsdóttir in 1898 and together they moved east to Seyðisfjörður where Kristján built a house and painted and had plenty to do for several years. But the number of projects decreased, three children were born and Kristján, unemployed, could not feed and clothe them. After exploring various possibilities, Kristján decided that the best option was to move to the West. The eldest son died when he was only three, so the family of four went west to Winnipeg in 1903. Shortly after arriving there, their one-year-old son, Eggert, died. Kristján painted houses and mainly worked on houses in the Icelandic neighborhood near Sargent Ave. He soon started building his own house and they lived there for a few years. Two girls were born in Winnipeg, Laufey and Kristin. In 1907, Kristján decided to move, and he was in a position to exchange his house for land just south of Lundar. He built a log cabin and moved there in the fall. A year later, he had built a new house and improved his land. The buildings were moved to another plot of land near the town in 1915 and they lived there after that.

English version by Thor group.