Sigmundur Grímsson


Jón Sigmundsson, goldsmith in Reykjavík

Grimson & Sons, Vancouver

Sigmundur Grímsson moved from Dalasýsla to Reykjavík in the first decade of the 20th century. He began studying goldsmithing on May 24, 1909 with Jón Sigmundsson, his compatriot from Hvammssveit in Dalasýsla. In 1913 Sigmundur, now a trained goldsmith, moved west to Winnipeg, Manitoba, no doubt hoping for a job in goldsmithing. He met Kristjana Stefánsdóttir there, married her in 1921 and the same year they moved west to Vancouver. Soon he found work to his liking and at that point he was ready to open his own workshop and store. From 1944, he ran Grimson & Sons Ltd at 163 West Hastings St. in the city. There he produced all kinds of jewelry from gold and special stones (black hemetite) from Alaska. These stones were usually called Alaska Diamonds. Sigmund’s jewelry immediately enjoyed great popularity in Canada and the United States as well as in the British Isles.

English version by Thor group.