Benedikt Rafnkelsson


Cattle farming:

Benedikt and Sigríður moved to the Lundar settlement in 1901 and took land east of the village of Clarkleigh. They moved to the village in 1912 when the railway was laid there. Benedikt opened a store and post office there. He also operated a dairy farm and bought and sold cattle. Every fall he would travel north to the cattle ranches, buy some cattle, drive to Clarkleigh, ship them to Winnipeg, and sell them there. In 1918, he leased the small island of Birch Island, in the north of Lake Manitoba, and began extensive cattle breeding. They sold the farm at Clarkleigh and moved onto the island. On the way there, Benedikt fell ill, breaking his leg while bringing his animals to the island. Sigríður went on with her four children, but Sarah, the oldest child, put her father in a horse-drawn wagon and took him 40 km to Eriksdale. There was no help there, but the next day a train went from there to Winnipeg and they went there. Benedikt never fully recovered but persevered until 1932 when they moved to the village of Deerhorn. From there, they made their way to Lundar a few years later. The last few years they lived in Winnipeg.