Þorsteinn Þ Þorsteinsson


Þorsteinn settled in Winnipeg, where he lived most of his years in Vesturheim. He was both an artist and a poet. He himself decorated his publications but also others such as the cover of Tímarit Þjðræknisfélagin. He graduated from Hólaskóli at the turn of the century in 1900, and after speculating about the future, he decided in 1901 to move west. One of his most significant works was Saga Íslendinga í Vesturheimi, where Þorsteinn is the author of the first three volumes of this excellent work. Tryggvi J. Oleson took over and took care of the last two volumes. He wrote about Þorsteinn in volume 5, where it says (page 46): “A magazine that was published in Winnipeg in the years 1925-1930 is still remembered. It was a magazine called Saga, and its publisher was the poet Þorsteinn Þ. Thorsteinsson. Saga is described as a paper “for the comfort of the Icelandic people. Our national life in the east and west is shown in true stories, novels, oral tradition, sketches and rhymes. Much more for information, reflection and entertainment.” Þorsteinn will have written most of what appears in the publication, both in formal and informal language.” Below is a brief overview of his mid-20th century legacy:

Fíflar were a collection of original and translated short stories. They were published in the years 1914-1919 and were in two volumes. Þorsteinn Oddsson in Winnipeg financed the publication of the first volume, while Hjálmar Gíslason helped Þorsteinn with the second volume.

Þættir was a collection of poems by Þorsteinn and it was published in Winnipeg in 1918.

Heimhugi was a collection of poems published in Reykjavík in 1921, while he stayed in Iceland in 1920-21.

Kossar was a series of stories that was published in Reykjavík in 1934, while Þorsteinn stayed at home in Iceland from 1933-1937.

Vestmenn is a work of fiction published in Reykjavík in 1935 and it was the first of such works and is probably considered his greatest achievement.

Ævintýrið frá Íslandi til Brasilíu is next in the series of Þorsteinn’s story writing and was published in Iceland in 1937.

Saga Íslendinga í Vesturheimi published in three volumes 1940 – 1945 in Winnipeg.

English version by Thor group.