Jón Magnússon


Jón Magnússon was a lawyer and made many contributions in his career, as can be seen from the following list of his articles and essays.

  1. Off-Street Parking facilities for New York – 28 Brooklyn Law Rev 239
  2. Municipal Bond Buying Considerations by Fiscal Advisers – 15 The Business Lawyer 292 (reprinted in The Daily Bond Buyer)
  3. Parking Facilities – Some Legal and Financial Considerations – 46 Virginia Law Rev. 595
  4. Lease Financing by Municipal Corporations as a Way Around Debt Limitations 25 George Washington Rev 377
  5. Observations on the Economic Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board – 18 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 181
  6. World Trade Center – 172 The Bond Buyer 1317
  7. Our Membership in the United Nations and the Federal Treaty Power – 34 Virginia Law Rev. 137
  8. Shipping Conference Dual Rate Contract Arrangements 38 St. Johns Law Review 221
  9. The Need for International Agreement on Obtaining Evidence from Foreign Countries – 26 Federal Bar Journal 232

English version by Thor group.