Leslie Settlement


The Leslie district grew around the Canadian Pacific Railway (C.P.R.) railway station called Leslie Station, named after Mr. John Leslie, comptroller of the railway company. The settlement reached to the Kristnes settlement in the north, Foam Lake district in the east and
Elfros in the west. The village of Leslie was in the center of the Leslie Settlement, here settlers came for supplies, official services, and cultural events. It is estimated that just over 50 Icelandic immigrants either settled in the rural areas or in the village. By 1907 it was clear where the railway station would be located, but a delay in the laying of the tracks caused by a dispute between a landowner and the railway company saw the station open in 1909. The delay did not hinder businessmen and their families in establishing themselves in the village prior to the station opening. The land in the settlement was well suited for the mixed farming most settlers preferred. Two small Icelandic settlements, Hólar and Hekla, were also established just south of the village.

Haymaking in the Leslie Settlement.




English version by Thor group.