

A choir was founded in Winnipeg in 1881 and Þorsteinn Einarsson is said to have played the biggest part in it. It appears he learned to play the organ in Iceland and soon after arriving in Winnipeg in 1878, as Friðrik J. Bergmann says of Þorsteinn: He arranged for able Icelandic singers to gather together for rehearsals, and people learned how to sing together.” (Alm. 1905, p. 102) There are not many stories about the singing entertainment of this choir or whether it was the same choir as the singing group Gígjan, which held its first concert on May 1, 1886. The newspaper Leifur said of the planned concert: “The members also truly deserve that this first concert is well attended. It has bravely fought against the many difficulties it has faced. It has overcome these difficulties with energy, is now firmly established, and has thus laid the cornerstone of Icelandic singing here in the west country.” Þorsteinn did not take part in this concert because he died in 1884.


English version by Thor group.