Lúðvík Laxdal


The Íslendingadagurinn Committee in Gimli agreed in 1931 to honor all Icelanders in North America who had lived in the West for 50 years or more. Invitations were sent through the Icelandic weekly newspapers, Lögberg and Heimskringla, and everyone concerned was asked to send the committee’s secretary in Winnipeg, Davíð Björnsson, information about the date and year of birth, place of birth, year of departure from Iceland, date of arrival in America, an overview of the 50 years in the West as well as family welfare. Those who were nearby were encouraged to attend the festival at Gimli and were given special recognition at the reception there. Those who did not make it received the recognition, a certificate of honor and a gold coin, sent by mail. In 1944, Luðvík wrote a letter to Davíð Björnsson and sent information: (JÞ)

Request letter:

Information: Ludwig Hermann Jon Laxdal

Information: Sigurður Pjetur Laxdal

Information – Children of Lúðvík and Margrét