Margrét A Ólafsdóttir


Margrét orti á ensku og þýddi íslensk ljóð. Að neðan er eitt frumsamið ljóð hennar Legend. Eftirfarandi var birt í TÍMARITI Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga XX árg. í Winnipeg:

Where no woods are he lies
To wind-song and moan
No one replies
Trolls turn to stone
Maidens in woods who wander alone
Seeking their lovers with soft Dryad eyes
None hears their cries
Nor wind-song nor moan
In the woods now none wander but I.
Where are the maids with the soft Dryad eyes?
“Deep in the troll-hills the maidens are stone”
Where is the place my dearest one lies?
“Under the woods
Where no woods are
Where no sob is, nor wind-song nor moan.”
Where no woods are he lies
When wind-song and moan die away
And the woods decay
I´ll find the place my dearest one lies
And softly upon his lonely eyes
And the woods decay
And wind-song and moan die away.