Hinn íslenski lúterski söfnuður í Shawano County (Icelandic Lutheran Congregation)


In the years 1873-1875, Páll Þorláksson was the pot and pan in the adjustment of Icelandic immigrants in Wisconsin. He assisted them in finding a settlement site in the state. At the beginning of the summer in 1874, he got his father, Þorlákur Gunnar Jónsson and Haraldur, his brother, to go with him to Shawano County, somewhat north in the state, and there they found an ideal area. Icelandic settlement began there later that summer. Páll disappeared from the scene in the fall to finish his studies in theology. He completed it on July 8, 1875, and shortly after ordination he was ordained pastor of four small Norwegian congregations in Shawano County. The Norwegian Church Synod that had educated Páll and ordained him a priest suggested that he also take care of his countrymen in Shawano. He then formed “The Icelandic Lutheran Congregation of Shawano County, Wisconsin” and it was the first Icelandic congregation in North America. Below is a list of congregation members in the fall of 1875:

  1. Þorlákur Gunnar Jónsson
  2. Henrietta Lovisa Nielsdóttir
  3. Jón Valdimar Þorláksson
  4. Guðrún Jakobína Þorláksdóttir
  5. Þorsteinn Þorláksson
  6. Björn Þorláksson
  7. Valgerður Þorláksdóttir
  8. Haraldur Þorláksson
  9. María Sigurðardóttir
  10. Lovísa Björg
  11. Niels Þorláksson
  12. Friðrik Bergmenn
  13. Eiríkur Bergmann
  14. Loptur Jónasson
  15. Magnús Jóhannesson
  16. Elín Magnúsardóttir
  17. Hallgrímur Gíslason
  18. Herdís Jónsdóttir
  19. Aðalbjörg Indriðadóttir
  20. Guðfinna Jónsdóttir
  21. Jónatan Hallgrímsson
  22. Kristján Hallgrímsson
  23. Aðalbjörg Hallgrímsdóttir
  24. Magnús Gíslason
  25. Sigríður Jónsdóttir
  26. Anna Magnúsardóttir
  27. Kristján Magnúsarson
  28. Jón Jónsson
  29. Sigurbjörg Stefánsdóttir
  30. Helga Jónsdóttir
  31. Jón Jónsson
  32. Guðmundur Stefánsson
  33. Guðbjörg Hannesardóttir
  34. Stefán Guðmundsson
  35. Sigurlaug Guðmundsdóttir

The list is from Rev. Páll Þorláksson’s church book for the years 1875-1882.


English version by Thor group.