Auður Kristjánsdóttir

ID: 20404
Date of birth : 1906

Auður Kristjansdóttir Photo: VÍÆ I

Auður Kristjánsdóttir was born on December 14, 1906 in Eyjafjarðarsýsla.

Spouse: September 26, 1930 Adolf Leonard Sigurðsson b. in Winnipeg on May 30 1906. He took the last name Holm in the west.

Children: 1. Sylvia Florence b. January 14, 1931 2. Oswald Benjamin Raymond b. January 30, 1933 3. Roy Herluf b. July 10, 1937 4. Robert Leonard Kristján b. June 23, 1940.

Adolf was the son of Sigurður Daníelsson and Sigríður Guðný Jóhannesdóttir, who came west to Manitoba in1894. They took land near Otto and there Adolfgrew up. Auður came west in 1928. After finishing high school, Adolf studied hair cutting and was a barber first in Winnipeg and later in Gimli. Auður and Adolf lived in Gimli.