ID: 20179
Date of birth : 1878
Guðlaug Jónsdóttir was born in Skagafjarðarsýsla on November 13, 1878.
Spouse: Þorbergur Eiríksson b. in Mýrasýsla on October 20, 1865. He took the last name Vog in the west.
Children: 1. Sigurrós 2. Bjarnheiður 3. Halldór. Þorbergur had a son, Jón, with his first wife.
Þorbergur and Jón came west in 1904, probably to Þorbergur’s brother, Eiríkur, in New Iceland. From there, the road led them west to the Pacific and they settled in Manchester, Washington. Þorbergur lived there 9 years, then moved to Point Roberts.