ID: 20245
Born west
Date of birth : 1929

Ronald Keith Boyd Photo: VÍÆ V

Helga Erickson Boyd Photo: VÍÆ V
Helga Erickson was born on May 7, 1929 in Árborg, Manitoba. She took the name Helga Boyd with marriage.
Spouse: December 22, 1951 Ronald Keith Boyd b. July 22, 1929, Irish descent.
Children: 1. Joan Christina b. February 11, 1953 2. Gwenyth Ingrid b. April 4, 1956 3. Colleen Helga b. August 5, 1961.
Helga was the daughter of Ingvar Sveinn Eiríksson and Herdís Kristjánsdóttir in Arborg. She and Ronald lived in Winnipeg.