Kristján Theodore Árnason Photo: Internet
Kristján Theodore Árnason was born at Espihóli in New Iceland on June 25, 1918. He died on December 26, 1989. He was known as Ted Arnason in the west.
Spouse: November 13, 1948 Marjorie Doll b. January 12, 1928, d. December 3, 2021. She had the last name Arnason with marriage.
Children: 1. Wendy b. October 15, 1949 2. Kathleen b. April 27, 1954 3. Kristine b. June 2, 1957.
Kristján was the son of Guðjón Valdimar Kristjánsson and Dóróthea Soffía Abrahamsdóttir, pioneer settlers in New Iceland. Kristján grew up in New Iceland, attended school in Gimli and at a young age, went to work at his father’s large farm, Espihóli. See more about Kristján in Atvinna below. Marjorie was the daughter of Egilsína Guðlaugur Doll, daughter of Eyvindur Jónsson Doll and his second wife, Sesselja Jóhannsdóttir in Riverton.