Magny Brynjolfsson

ID: 20244
Born west
Date of birth : 1904

Magny Brynjolfsson Photo: VÍÆ V

Magný Halldórsdóttir was born on November 19, 1904 near Gimli in New Iceland. She was known as Magny (Mæa) Brynjolfsson in the west.

Unmarried and childless.

Magnea was the daughter of Halldór Brynjólfsson who d. 1907 and Rósa Magnúsdóttir who d. 1914 in New Iceland. When both of Magný’s parents died, she and her sisters Alexandra and Ágústa were adopted by Ágúst Magnússon and Ragnheiðiur Jóhannesdóttir in Lundar. Magný finished elementary school there and then went to an agricultural school in Winnipeg but did not finish her studies there. The foster parents’ health deteriorated and Rósa took it upon herself to take care of them. She was always involved in the affairs of her countrymen in Manitoba.