Margrét Jónsdóttir

ID: 4573
Date of birth : 1885
Date of death : 1973

Margrét Jónsdóttir was born in Ísafjarðarsýsla on March 3, 1885. She died in Gimli in 1973.

Spouse: Páll Kristinn Gottskálksson b. in Gimli on January 30, 1879 d. there in 1958. He has the last name Olson in the west.

Children: 1. Olga b. July 2, 1903 2. Pauline 3. Edwin d. after a few months 4. Alma 5. Jónína Friðrikka 6. Elín 7. Páll (Paul) 8. Roy b. 1920, d. 1947 9. Tryggvi 10. Margaret

Margrét was the daughter of Jón Gíslason and Friðrika Oddsdóttir of Dýrafjörð in Ísafjarðarsýsla. They came west in 1887.  Páll was the son of Gottskálk Sigfússon and Hólmfríður Jónatansdóttir, who came west from Árnessýsla in 1876.  He was a fisherman in Manitoba.