Sigríður Jónatansdóttir

ID: 17948
Born west
Date of birth : 1895

Sigríður Jónatansdóttir was born in the Akra settlement in N. Dakota in 1895.

Spouse: Valdimar Einarsson b. in Garðar, N. Dakota on April 16, 1891. He had the last name Mýrdal in the west


Valdimar was the son of Einar Einarsson from Mýrdal and Anna Sveinsdóttir from Fáskrúðsfjörður. They both came to the West in 1878, Einar alone and Anna with her parents, Sveinn Árnason and Ingibjörg Björnsdóttir. Valdimar pursued an education, graduating from Union Commercial College in Grand Forks and then working at the tax office in Fargo. Valdimar and Sigríður lived there all their lives.