ID: 20277
Born west
Date of birth : 1914
Snjólaug Sveinbjörnsdóttir was born in New Iceland on July 7, 1914. Snjólaug took her grandfather Jón Eiríksson’s last name, but after marriage she was Stevens.
Spouse: Clifford Jónsson b. in New Iceland. Clifford’s father was registered as Jón G. Stevens.
Children: 1. Clifford 2. JoAnne.
Snjólaug was the daughter of Sveinbjörn Jónsson and Sigþrúður Gísladóttir in New Iceland. Clifford’s parents were Jón Guðnason and Jóhanna Hansdóttir in Gimli. Clifford was a ship captain on Lake Winnipeg but later he was a fish inspector on the lake. Snjólaug was always very involved in charity work in Gimli, was an organist in the Lutheran church there, and active in social affairs.