Einar I Sigfússon

ID: 20256
Born west
Date of birth : 1898

Einar I Sigfússon and Violet Bristow Photo: VÍÆ V

Einar Ingiberg Sigfússon was born at Sandy Bar in the Fljóts settlement on January 9, 1898.

Spouse: March 28, 1930 Violet Dorothy Lucille Bristow b.in Gimli on July 20, 1912.

Children: 1. Donna Mae b. October 17, 1935.

Einar was the son of Sigfús Einarsson and Guðrún Þorláksdóttir, pioneer settlers in New Iceland. Violet was the daughter of William Herbert Bristow and Guðrún Friðrikka Gottskálksdóttir in Gimli. Einar studied at Success Business College in Winnipeg and became a boat operator on Lake Winnipeg. In 1950, he and his wife founded a real estate agency in Gimli, where they ran rental and insurance services.