Jón Jónsson (Bildfell)

ID: 1153
Date of birth : 1870
Date of death : 1955

Jón Jónsson Bíldfell Photo: VÍÆ I

Jón Jónsson was born on May 1, 1870 at Bíldsfell in Árnessýsla. He died on August 17, 1955. He took the last name Bíldfell in the west.

Spouse: April 7, 1903 Aðalbjörg Soffía Þorsteinsdóttir b. June 3, 1876 in N. Múlasýsla.

Children: 1. Hrefna Þjóðbjörg b. December 17, 1903 2. Jón Aðalsteinn b. October 16, 1905 3. Sylvia Jakobína b. August 4, 1907.

Jón came west to Manitoba in 1888. He worked logging and laying railroads for three years before going to school. He graduated from a trade school in Winnipeg and went prospecting for gold in the Klondyke. Returned to Winnipeg and began selling real estate. He was always very active in the Icelandic community, not only in Winnipeg but the whole state. See more in Icelandic heritage (Íslensk arfleifð) below.