Sigurlaug G Sigurðardóttir

ID: 20305
Date of birth : 1894
Date of death : 1982

Sigurlaug G Sigurðardóttir and Eysteinn H. Eyolfson Photo: IRS

Sigurlaug Guðríður Sigurðardóttir was born on August 10, 1894, in the Fljóts settlement. She died on September 24, 1982.

Spouse: November 23, 1915 Eysteinn Helgi Þorsteinsson b. June 6, 1886 in the Fljóts settlement, drowned on September 22, 1929. He had the last name Eyjólfson in the west.

Children: 1. Stefán Þorsteinn b. in Winnipeg on October 2, 1916 2. Lilja Margaret b. February 21, 1918 3. Una Sigurrós b. January 24, 1922 4. Eysteinn Helgi b. May 31, 1930.

Eysteinn Helgi was the son of Þorsteinn Eyjólfsson and Lilja Hallsdóttir at Hóla in the Fljóts settlement. Sigurlaug was the daughter of Sigurður Jónsson and Hansína Jóhannesdóttir who came west in 1893. Sigurður died just before the turn of the century and Hansína had to leave her youngest children in foster care. Eysteinn and Sigurlaug lived in the Fljóts settlement in New Iceland.