Dr. Harold Blöndal

ID: 20452
Born west
Date of birth : 1917

Dr Harold Blöndal Photo: VÍÆ II

Harold Blöndal was born in Winnipeg on June 18, 1917. He was known as Dr. Harold Blöndal in the west.

Spouse: 1) 1946 Patricia Jenkins, writer, b. in Souris, Manitoba in 1927, d. November 4, 1959. 2) Doreen Stenton.

Children: With Patricia: 1. Stephanie b. August 18, 1953 2. John August b. September 28, 1955

Harold was the son of Dr. Ágúst Blöndal and Guðrún Stefánsdóttir in Winnipeg. He followed the educational path, completed his B. Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Manitoba in 1939 and then enrolled in medicine at the same school. In 1941 he enlisted in the Canadian Air Force and received training in Toronto. He was sent to Great Britain where he stayed until 1943. Then he went to India and was in the Indian Air Force until 1945. He then continued his studies in medicine and graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1949. Then he spent a year in Chalk River, Ontario where he worked in a nuclear power plant. He went to England for postgraduate studies in cancer research and then conducted cancer research in Winnipeg in the years 1951-1955. Patricia’s works include the novels Strangers in Love, A Candle to Light the Sun and From Heaven with a Shout.