ID: 17833
Born west
Date of birth : 1913

Jónas Ingiberg Kristjánsson Photo: VÍÆ II
Jónas Ingiberg Kristjánsson was born in Wynyard, Saskatchewan on September 16, 1913. He took his last name of Kristjánsson after his paternal grandfather.
Spouse: October 30, 1948 Emma Amanda Anderson b. in Saskatchewan on January 28, 1916, of Norwegian upbringing.
Children: 1. Joan Alein b. May 16, 1950
Jónas was the son of Hákon Jónasson from Hraunkot in S. Þingeyjarsýsla and Guðný Sólmundsdóttir of Mikley, Manitoba. He graduated with a B. Sc. degree from the Department of Agriculture at the University of Saskatoon in 1947. He was employed as a property assessor in Wynyard for several years, then as a foreman on road and waterworks construction based at the provincial parliament building in Regina.