Guðrún Magnúsdóttir

ID: 1867
Date of birth : 1863
Date of death : 1936

Guðrún Magnúsdóttir was born in Gullbringusýsla on June 25, 1863. She died on October 4, 1936.

Spouse: December 18, 1890 Stefán Sigurðsson b. June 18, 1843 in Skagafjarðarsýsla, d. August 15, 1941 in New Iceland.

Children: 1. Magnús 2. Vigdís 3. Sigurður 4. Ingiberg, d. in the second year 5. Ingiberg 6. Margrét b. January 14, 1901 7. Ingimar Guðmundur d. 1919 8. Stefán Ágúst.

Guðrún moved to New Iceland 1887, with her widowed mother, Vigdís Guðmundsdóttir, and siblings.  Stefán came west to Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1876 and settled in the Árnes settlement in New Iceland, naming their land Víðivellir.