Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir

ID: 11984
Date of birth : 1884

Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir Photo: VÍÆ I

Kristbjörg Hólmfríður Jónsdóttir was born on February 15, 1884 in Vopnafjörður in N. Múlasýsla. She had the last name Vopni in the west.

Spouse: August 25, 1915: Sigurbjörn Sigurðsson b. in Árnes in New Iceland on October 6, 1892.

Children: 1. Haraldur Sigurbjörn b. February 14, 1916 2. Agnes Helga b. April 24, 1917 3. Friðrik b. May 15, 1918 4. Louise Jóna b. November 1, 1919 5. Baldur b. January 29, 1921 6. Helen Kristbjörg b. July 1, 1922 7. Thora b. November 17, 1923.

Kristbjörg was the daughter of Jón Jónsson and Snjólaugur Jóhannesdóttir who came west in 1889 and took the surname Vopni. She took part in the community affairs of her countrymen in Winnipeg, e.g., she was a long-time president of the women’s association of the First Lutheran Church.