ID: 20448
Born west
Place of birth : N. Dakota
Þóra Hansdóttir was born in Mountain, N. Dakota.
Spouse: 1913 Sigurður Friðriksson b. February 3, 1888 in Milton, N. Dakota. He is registered as Sigurður F. Bjarnason in Canada.
Children: 1. Valdimar 2. Mildfríður.
Sigurður was the son of Friðrik Bjarnason and Mildfríður Árnadóttir who came west in 1874 to Ontario, Canada. They settled in New Iceland in 1875 and moved from there in 1881 to N. Dakota. Later in 1906, he took land in the Lakes settlement (Vatnabyggð) in Saskatchewan in the Wynyard settlement. Sigurður was never a farmer, he moved to Wynyard in 1906 and ran a machine shop in the town. Þóra was the daughter of Hans K. Sigurbjörnsson.