Ása N Ásgrímsdóttir

ID: 20458
Date of birth : 1877

Ása Nýbjörg Ásgrímsdóttir was born on January 3, 1877 in Skagafjarðarsýsla.

Spouse: October 14, 1902 Trausti Friðriksson b. in Höfðahverfi in S. Þingeyjarsýsla on October 21, 1872, d. in Winnipeg on September 28, 1962. He took the last name Frederickson in the west.

Children: 1. Sigtryggur b. November 8, 1903 2. Sigurlaug (Lauga) b. October 21, 1909, d. March 20, 1945. 3. Þorbjörg (Thora) b. November 8, 1917.

Ása was the daughter of Ásgrímur Pálsson and Þorbjörg Jónatansdóttir. Trausti was a seaman in Iceland before coming west in 1922. He sailed on the Goðafoss in January. He settled in Baldur, Manitoba and lived there until 1949 when he moved to Winnipeg.