Ísak Jónsson

ID: 15266
Date of death : 1927


Aðalsteinn Jónsson and Ingibjörg Benedkitsdóttir Photo A Century Unfolds

Ísak Jónsson Photo A Century Unfolds

Ingibjörg Benediktsdóttir: Born in 1858 in Eyjafjarðarsýsla.  She had a sister Kristjana Benediktsdóttir. Died September 17, 1913. Known as Johnson in the west.

Spouse: Ísak Jónsson b. 1853 in Mýrasýsla, d. in 1927. They were never married.

Children: 1) Elísabet Elínborg b. August 29, 1886, d. January 20, 1969. 2) Aðalsteinn Sigurjón (Steini Johnson) b. October 28, 1898, d. April 21, 1987.

Ingibjörg had her children in Iceland with Steini Jónsson.

She moved from N.Dakota in 1901 and took land in the Framnes Settlement.