John V S Samson

ID: 15599
Born west
Date of birth : 1909

John V S Samson Photo VÍÆ I

John Victor Samsonarson was born in Winnipeg on May 26, 1909. He had the last name Samson in the west.

Spouse: Sigríður Oddný Tímóteusdóttir b. January 31, 1910.

Children: 1. Jón Timothy b. July 14, 1939 2. Margrét Elisabeth b. August 5, 1944 3. Jeffrey Victor b. September 22, 1950.

John learning printing from Ólafur S. Thorgeirson, owner and editor of the Almanak in Winnipeg. He was hired by Viking Press Ltd. in Winnipeg in 1930.  He owned the printing business with E. T. Guðmundsson and changed the name to Viking Printers. They took care of the printing of Heimskringla until the paper was merged with Lögberg. Sigríður was the daughter of Tímóteus Guðmundsson and Þorbjörg Hallgrímsdóttir, settlers near Elfros in the Lakes settlement (Vatnabyggð).