ID: 8105
Date of birth : 1876
Place of birth : Eyjafjarðarsýsla
Kristín Sigfúsdóttir Bergmann was born in 1876 in Eyjafjarðarsýsla.
Spouse: 1897 Stefán Magnússon b. in Barðastrandarsýsla in 1872, d. N. Dakota on September 27, 1937. He had the last name Breiðbjörð in the west.
Children: 1. Valgerður Kristín b. November 28, 1903 2. Aldís 3. Þórunn 4. Amy 5. Dorothea 6. Sigríður.
Kristín came west with her parents, Sigfús Jónasson Bergmann and his wife Þórunn Jónsdóttir, in 1882. Stefán came west by sea in 1884 with his father, Magnús Einarsson, and stepmother, Kristín Guðmundsdóttir. They settled in Mountain, N. Dakota but moved in 1885 to the Garðar settlement. Stefán was a shopkeeper in the village of Garðar and ran the post office for some time.